
Candidate Analysis

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based on: StatewideCandidates2018

Notes about this profile:

You have 18 candidates in your selected Profile

Position Totals:

Support Oppose Neutral
0 0 18
Office Name Party DonorsFunds TotalFunds on Hand
Barlock, S. (R) REP Donors$5,836.31 $1,294.29
Attorney General Brauchler, G. (R) REP Donors$744,426.05 $131,753.91
Gaiter, L. (R) REP Donors$10,707.00 $1,713.58
Secretary of State Griswold, J. (D) DEM Donors$958,532.07 $35,301.79
Johnston, M. (D) DEM Donors$2,300,805.43$303,906.02
Kennedy, C. (D) DEM Donors$1,988,327.78$103,517.99
Lebsock, S. (D) DEM Donors$27,389.00 $9,311.72
Lopez, G. (R) REP Donors$61,728.76$18,780.13
McArthur, G. (D) DEM Donors $94.00 ($18.82)
Mitchell, V. (R) REP Donors$4,873,907.38$221,752.69
Governor Polis, J. (D) DEM Donors$23,199,470.86 $475,851.41
Robinson, D. (R) REP Donors$803,647.48$65,653.28
Villard, P. (D) DEM Donors$724.24 $200.00
Attorney General Weiser, P. (D) DEM Donors$2,765,259.42 $14,044.91
Secretary of State Williams, W. (R) ** REP Donors$296,745.20 $49,909.47
Regent of the University of Colorado Gallegos, G. (R) REP Donors$15,491.11 $5,240.36
Hays, C. (D) DEM Donors$0$0
Regent of the University of Colorado Hill, C. (R) REP Donors$65,746.66 $52,724.42
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