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LAC Lobbyists: Ann Sutton, Holly Monkman

Bill: HB20-1015
Title: Future Educator Pathways Grant Program
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StatusHouse Committee on Appropriations Lay Over Unamended - Amendment(s) Failed (06/16/2020)
Hearing Date
Hearing Time
Hearing Room
CCW Summary
Full TextFull Text of Bill
Fiscal NotesFiscal Notes (08/06/2020)
House SponsorsJ. Wilson (R)
B. Buentello (D)
Senate SponsorsJ. Bridges (D)
House CommitteeEducation
Senate Committee
VotesVotes all Legislators
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Bill: HB20-1118
Title: Careless Driving Serious Bodily Injury
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The LWVCO supports a balanced transportation system that includes a variety of modes with an intent to improve mobility & quality of life for all residents.  

Currently, a careless driver is charged with a class 1 traffic misdemeanor if a "vulnerable road user" is seriously injured.  However, if the careless driver injures another driver, i.e. not defined as a “vulnerable road user”, a District Attorney can only charge the driver with a lesser penalty.  This bill changes "serious bodily injury to a vulnerable road user" to serious bodily injury of anyone.  The bill makes the penalty for careless driving that causes serious bodily injury the same regardless of the injured’s mode of travel.   The intent is that this bill not diminish, but improve last year's SB19-175 Serious Bodily Injury Vulnerable Road User Penalties.  Rep. Larson met with cyclist groups involved in last year's bill to  ensure that this bill preserves the original goals of SB19-175.




StatusSenate Committee on State, Veterans, & Military Affairs Postpone Indefinitely (05/28/2020)
Hearing Date
Hearing Time
Hearing Room
CCW Summary
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Fiscal NotesFiscal Notes (07/07/2020)
House SponsorsC. Larson (R)
B. Titone (D)
Senate SponsorsD. Hisey (R)
House CommitteeJudiciary
Senate CommitteeState, Veterans and Military Affairs
VotesVotes all Legislators
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Bill: HB20-1151
Title: Expand Authority For Regional Transportation Improvements
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The bill seeks an alternative approach to addressing our transportation needs after many years of funding shortfalls and the rejection by voters of bond issuance, sales tax increases, and retention of funds in excess of TABOR limits.

The 15 existing Transportation Planning Organizations, which are metropolitan or urban organizations that provide input into the state transportation plan, would also be authorized to finance, construct, operate, and maintain local/regional transportation projects in a manner similar to currently operating Regional Transportation Authorities. The TPO would adhere to the requirements and obligations of RTA including obtaining voter approval for any new or increased taxes within the boundaries of the project.  Financing other than sales or use taxes could also be accessed.  There are many regions that are ready to invest or collaborate in new projects but have not had the authority under current law to do so.

The TPO combinations of municipalities and special districts formed for specific projects would be managed by a board of directors comprised of both elected and appointed members. 

These combinations for projects could be formed by resolution of the participating jurisdictions, which would be easier than the formation of new RTA.  New project combinations would need the consent of adjoining and other impacted jurisdictions and special districts.  Counties within a TPO can opt-out of the financing, for example if they are already operating a successful RTA project.

The League supports balanced transportation systems with a variety of modes in an appropriate mix, including public mass transit, and encourages that multiple sources of funding should be used.  This bill provides a new approach to meeting transportation needs for a growing Colorado population. 

StatusHouse Committee on Appropriations Lay Over Unamended - Amendment(s) Failed (06/16/2020)
Hearing Date
Hearing Time
Hearing Room
CCW Summary
Full TextFull Text of Bill
Fiscal NotesFiscal Notes (07/09/2020)
House SponsorsM. Gray (D)
Senate SponsorsF. Winter (D)
House CommitteeTransportation and Local Government
Senate Committee
VotesVotes all Legislators
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Bill: HB20-1325
Title: Low-emission Vehicle Managed Lane Access
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StatusHouse Committee on Energy & Environment Postpone Indefinitely (05/28/2020)
Hearing Date
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Fiscal NotesFiscal Notes (07/22/2020)
House SponsorsA. Valdez (D)
Senate Sponsors
House CommitteeEnergy and Environment
Senate Committee
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Bill: SB20-017
Title: Transportation Public-private Partnership Reporting
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The League supports this bill that directs the High-Performance Transportation Enterprise (HPTE) to provide certain specified information on each executed or proposed public-private partnership (P3) in their annual reports that are already required. Such reporting will increase public participation and result in more transparency in decision-making toward a balanced transportation system.

HPTE is a state-owned business tasked with pursuing innovative means of transportation finance. P3's are contracted to deliver surface transportation projects.  An example of a P3 is Plenary Roads, which constructed the managed toll/HOV lanes on US-36.

The bill was amended to assure that state legislators and local elected officials are kept informed and updated on projects in their areas.

StatusGovernor Signed (03/20/2020)
Hearing Date
Hearing Time
Hearing Room
CCW Summary
Full TextFull Text of Bill
Fiscal NotesFiscal Notes (06/24/2020)
House SponsorsM. Gray (D)
Senate SponsorsF. Winter (D)
House CommitteeTransportation and Local Government
Senate CommitteeTransportation and Energy
VotesVotes all Legislators
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Bill: SB20-061
Title: Yield To Bicycles In Bicycle Lanes
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The LWVCO supports a balanced transportation system that includes a variety of modes with an intent to improve mobility & quality of life for all residents.  With Denver planning to create an additional 125 miles of bicycles lanes by 2023 in addition to the many miles of bicycle lanes that already exist throughout the front range, cycling is part of Colorado’s transportation system. 

Senate Judiciary Committee 2/3.  Passed to COW 3-2.  Two amendments were adopted, one to clarify language one to replace "bicycle" with "any authorized user of the bike lane" in the event other modes of transportation are authorized in the future, e.g. scooters. 

Senate 2/6, 3rd Reading. Short discussion: clarification of bike lanes is necessary, but the bill is making a special case penalty for hitting bicyclists in bike lanes vs pedestrians or other vehicles. Passed 22-11, 2 excused.


StatusGovernor Signed (03/20/2020)
Hearing Date
Hearing Time
Hearing Room
CCW Summary
Full TextFull Text of Bill
Fiscal NotesFiscal Notes (06/24/2020)
House SponsorsK. Becker (D)
Senate SponsorsM. Foote (D)
House CommitteeJudiciary
Senate CommitteeJudiciary
VotesVotes all Legislators
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Bill: SB20-065
Title: Limit Mobile Electronic Devices While Driving
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The LWVCO supports a balanced transportation system that includes a variety of modes with an intent to improve mobility & quality of life for all residents.  

The bill mentions an 24% increase in traffic fatalities in Colorado between 2017 - 2018 and a CDOT survey where 53% of respondents admitted to holding their phone while driving in the week prior to the survey.

Twenty-one people testified in support of the measure on their own behalf or representing groups such as Colorado Motor Carriers Association, Rocky Mountain Insurance Association, Students for Safer Roads Club, Bicycle Colorado and many others.  Statistics cited include texting being a factor in 25% of vehicle accidents, the frequency that drivers check their phones while driving, and the decrease in collisions & fatalities in states that have already implemented some sort of ban on mobile electronic device use while driving. There was no opposition testimony at the hearing.

Senate 2/28, 3rd Reading. Passed 25-9, 1 excused. Some discussion around opposition to more fees & fines and a few personal stories influencing a change in position from earlier bills.


StatusHouse Committee on Transportation & Local Government Postpone Indefinitely (05/27/2020)
Hearing Date
Hearing Time
Hearing Room
CCW Summary
Full TextFull Text of Bill
Fiscal NotesFiscal Notes (07/15/2020)
House SponsorsD. Roberts (D)
Senate SponsorsC. Hansen (D)
House CommitteeTransportation and Local Government
Senate CommitteeTransportation and Energy
VotesVotes all Legislators
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Bill: SB20-094
Title: Plug-in Electric Motor Vehicle Registration Fees
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In hearing, bill opponents were concerned that raising the fee would have an effect of discouraging EV adoption and would not address the larger issues of reducing air pollution from oil & gas development.  It was argued that EV are not the cause of the transportation funding deficit; gas taxes have not increased since 199 and that loss of EV gas taxes are a “rounding error in transportation funding.”  The $120 fee is higher than the gas tax paid, for example, by a Toyota RAV4 ($74), a Silverado ($89), or a Ford F-150 ($100). 

Bill was postponed indefinitely at the request of the sponsor, who express a desire to continue to expand the conversation on moving our transportation system forward.

The League Supports a balanced transportation system that includes a variety of modes and new revenue sources as needed and supported the creation of the HPTE charged with developing new means for financing transportation infrastructure. 

Electric Vehicles as well as internal combustion engine cars depend on a well-maintained infrastructure.  The recommended fee structure appears reasonable and the current $50 is at the low end among other western states (e.g., $100 CA; $110 OR; soon to be $120 in UT; Legislative Council Staff memorandum 18 Oct 2019).

StatusSenate Committee on Transportation & Energy Postpone Indefinitely (02/13/2020)
Hearing Date
Hearing Time
Hearing Room
CCW Summary
Full TextFull Text of Bill
Fiscal NotesFiscal Notes (08/21/2020)
House Sponsors
Senate SponsorsK. Priola (R)
House Committee
Senate CommitteeTransportation and Energy
VotesVotes all Legislators
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Bill: SB20-167
Title: Electric Motor Vehicle Manufacturer And Dealer
Custom Summary

The bill objective is to increase consumer access to electric vehicles by allowing direct sales from the manufacturers.

The bill allows a new exception in the current law to allow direct sales of EV to consumers without requiring sales through a dealership.   Currently, there is a single EV manufacturer that is allowed to sell directly to consumers via an online ordering system and single delivery point because the manufacturer was already operating as a dealer in 2009.  The restrictions in the current law may be preventing new entrants in the EV market and additional consumer options. 

On-road vehicles contribute 37% of nitrogen oxide pollutants and 19% of volatile organic carbon emissions in the Denver metro and Northern Front Range [Air Pollution Control Division].  Together, these pollutants contribute to ozone pollution along the DMNFR.  The adoption of EV instead of internal combustion engine vehicles will contribute to reduction in air pollution and carbon emissions.

The League is pro-active in combatting the threat of climate change and supports measures to reduce vehicular air pollution. 

StatusGovernor Signed (03/23/2020)
Hearing Date
Hearing Time
Hearing Room
CCW Summary
Full TextFull Text of Bill
Fiscal NotesFiscal Notes (07/30/2020)
House SponsorsK. Becker (D)
Senate SponsorsK. Priola (R)
C. Hansen (D)
House CommitteeEnergy and Environment
Senate CommitteeTransportation and Energy
VotesVotes all Legislators
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